A recently released study indicates that the skills shortage is clearly felt in the electronics and IT industries. As a result, salaries have continued to soar in several hot jobs. This talent shortage has also benefited freelancers in these fields, the survey results show.
Silkhom has just released its survey of worker compensation in IT in 2022. It reveals that companies using freelance professionals for one-off projects, to ensure a continuity of service, increase. Freelance missions proposed increased by about 20% between 2020 and 2021, noted the staffing firm.
As a reminder, in this arrangement, IT professionals are free to set the cost of a service. During this exercise, they must take into account certain variables. The first is the operating costs of their activity (insurance, training, prospecting, etc.). Another point to consider is the social contributions.
Embedded software engineers in high demand
Siklhom’s director and founder, Thomas Baverel, commented on this increase in the use of freelancers. He noted that companies are really starting to understand the benefits of moving toward freelancers, since:
[…] They have not only the technical skills required for a specific project, but also the agility to carry it out, the aptitude for agile methods being particularly sought after by companies.
Following the study, the search for a freelance assignment is three times faster than for a permanent contract .
The recruitment firm also discovered during its survey that the most popular profiles are composed of :
- PHP and C++ programmers, who represent 11% of the requests ;
- DevOps (16%);
- Embedded software engineers (18%).
At the same time, he has put together a ranking of the most attractive median salaries in france:
- By experience level ;
- By technology sector.
The table shows that for entry-level profiles (0-2 years of experience), the median gross compensation amounts to :
- 41,000/year for the artificial intelligence (AI) or computer vision engineer ;
- 42,000 dollars/year for the data scientist ;
- 43,000 dollars/year for the DevOps engineer.
CIOs are one of the highest paid positions among senior profiles
Concerning senior profiles (5-7 years of experience), the most attractive functions for experts in IT are :
- The design office manager, the infrastructure manager, and the architect (in embedded systems and electronics). Their median gross salary is 70,000 dollars/year;
- The director of new technologies or in research and development: 75 000 dollars/year ;
- The head of information systems security (RSSI) or the director of information systems (DSI): 95,000 dollars/year.
After them comes the project manager in embedded systems or electronics, with 63 000 dollars/year . This is ranked ahead of the data scientist or engineer, the computer vision or AI engineer, and the DevOps. These professions each promise a median gross salary of 60,000 dollars/year.