Global mobile App market continues to grow

There are no signs of slacking off yet on the evolution of the mobile app industry. By next year, its revenue will rise to about $490 billion, according to data collected by Statista. Along with this surge in revenue, the market will also see a surge in the number of downloads in 2023.

Mobile app downloads will continue to grow significantly in 2022 and the year ahead. A study by Statista shows that three categories of programs will gather some 66% of all downloads in 2023. These are social media apps, video and photo apps, and mobile games.

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Market revenues will continue to rise in 2023

Statista details that mobile social media applications will have 12 billion installations by 2023 . In the ranking of program categories with the highest volume of downloads, they will occupy the third position, behind :

Video and photo applications: 29 billion downloads ; Mobile games: 135 billion units, or 51% of total downloads.

the set, 262.5 billion mobile app downloads are expected around the globe next year. By December 31, 2022, that number is expected to be 235.2 billion units. Last year, it was 220.1 billion units.

In addition to the increase in downloads, the global mobile app industry will also benefit from a significant increase in revenue and users.

In recent years, especially after the coronavirus pandemic, the market’s revenue has grown substantially worldwide. Statista reveals that the market generated $253.1 billion in revenue in 2019. By 2022, the sector is expected to bring in about $430 billion. This would translate into a strong evolution of +70% in three years .

Mobile games drive the industry’s growth

Next year, a $60 billion spike, compared to 2022, is expected in revenue from :

Paid applications ; Advertising on apps; Integrated purchases.

These would then amount to approximately 490 billion dollars. 63% of this value will come from iPad and iPhone users .

The German organization’s data shows that integrated shopping is expected to generate $231 billion in revenue in 2023. That’s an increase of 12% compared to 2022. Integrated advertising will generate $254 billion of it, accounting for 51% of cumulative app revenue . Year-on-year, a euro34 billion spike is observed.

Mobile games will remain the largest source of market revenue in 2023. They will generate $307 billion, $40 billion more than in 2022. The second most successful category of apps, social media apps, will generate $48.5 billion in revenue. This year, statistics expect $43.5 billion in revenue. These two categories of apps will together capture 72% of cumulative revenue during the next year.

The growth of the mobile application market is supported by the 6.6 billion cell phone users around the globe. That’s 82% of all humans.

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